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Feilding Club

We are a small club in Friendly Feilding and our members enjoy taking the time to meet socially and share friendship. Some of our members love to knit. We meet at different venues for our monthly meeting which are mostly held at lunchtime. This year, Members are taking it in turns to organize our meetings and outings and this is working very well.

Service Projects

    Social Activities

    • Monthly coffee afternoons
    • Christmas celebration

    • Walk & Talk

    • Board game afternoon

    Penny presenting Feilding Police Officer Karen with the knitted animals for the Kids Crash Kits. (Dec 2021)
    Members admiring the knitted animals and toys for the Kids Crash Kits. (Dec 2021)
    Display of animals and toys knitted by Members for the activity packs for Kids Crash Kits. (Dec 2021)
    Feilding Club Banner
    Theme meeting "P party", members dressed in pink, purple and a policewoman (2020)
    Pam dressed in green for our Theme meeting St Patricks Day (2021)
    Knitted beanies, jerseys and blankets donated to Manchester House (2021)
    Jan with the Club’s donations for Kits for Kindy (2020)
    Lynne, Pam, Lyn and Penny at the District NZ294 meeting Kits for Kindy (2020)
    • Club Meetings: Third Wednesday of the month at 11:30am
    • Club Contact
    • Location: Usually Coach House Museum, 127 South Street, Feilding; please confirm with Club

    Feilding Upcoming events

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    Knitted beanies, jerseys and blankets donated to Manchester House (2021)
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