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Margarette Golding Award Recipients

The Margarette Golding Award is an International Inner Wheel Award created, in 2000, in the name of Margarette Golding, the founder of Inner Wheel, for highly commendable personal service to the community

Nominations can be submitted for either a member of Inner Wheel, or members of the general public whom the Club/District wish to honour.

The Award is to be given to a person who has given outstanding personal service to the local or wider community, which must be completely unconnected with work on behalf of Inner Wheel or for Inner Wheel fundraising.

The criteria for success are set high so that the award remains a truly significant marker of an individual’s commitment to others. 

Nomination form

Inner Wheel New Zealand has had the privilege to present the Margarette Golding Award to the following recipients:

 2024Chantal MarconiIn recognition of services rendered to four associations, three for the elderly (ACAPA – FOYER NGEA – RETIREMENT HOME HIBISCUS) and one for disabled children (ASEAD)
2023 Sandra BA Hunter In recognition of her service to the community and the Waikato district for nearly 30 years. She has been actively involved in various initiatives such as Victim Support, Tough Love, and the Rotary End Polio Now program.
2023 Cherie Buckner In recognition of her long-standing service within the Salvation Army, in Aged Care, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation, as well as her continued running support and care within the community.
2022  Lorraine Margetts In recognition of work in the community for many years: fundraising for the original Ranui Bone Marrow Trust Building; Forming/managing the Hornby SeniorNet. 
2022  Nola Moffett In recognition of longstanding service, dedication and support to projects and activities in the Hornby Community for over 50 years. 
2019 Kate Hargraves In recognition of her practical service and voluntary support in areas of need including Cancer, City Mission, Pacific Islands Operation Uplift. Women's Refuge and Days For Girls.
2019 Helen Griffin In recognition of Helen's tireless work to establish and support Days For girls in New Zealand as the first chapter to be established outside of the USA. Helen had set up 13 teams and advance production from 220 kit in 2011 to 3600 kits in 2018.
2017 Gwen Kirkwood

In recognition of her services to the community including IHC,National Council of Women, Matamata Friendship Circle, Meals on wheels, Food bank, along with many others.

2017 Margaret Hayward

In recognition of her services to Save the Children over more than 30 years.

2016 Sarah Clifford In recognition of her founding the CanInspire Charitable Trust providing support with a sense of purpose for people affected by illness, trauma or loss.
2015 Helen Henderson In recognition of her selfless concern for families by providing respite care in her own home for severely disabled babies through to young adults.
2015 Shirley Farquhar In recognition of over 38 years service to Otago Seafarers Society, 36 years service to both Provincial and National Heart Foundation and 19 years volunteer First Church Centre.
2012 Barbara Walker In recognition of her outstanding medical and missionary care of people, both in different conditions of war-ravaged countries in Africa and subsequently in New Zealand.
2011 Treena Van Rijssel In recognition of ensuring a future for babies of pregnant teenagers. Emotional, Educational, social and parenting skills are nurtured in a safe have before and following birth.
2009 Pauline Lowe In recognition of her contribution to the community of Hubli, India by creating and running an orphanage, child/adult training schools and the adoption of five orphans.
2004  Marie Barns In recognition of continuing services to Inner Wheel, Catholic Social Services, Intellectually disabled people, own home respite care for families, Birthright, Girl Guiding and advocate for Migrant families.
2004 Ella McLeod  
2003 Ann Tutbury In recognition of long outstanding service to NZ Red Cross including baking for Care and Craft, knitting for overseas refugees. 40 Years commitment to Meals on Wheels.
2003 Evelyn Laird In recognition of the founding of Kihikihi Inner Wheel, Leader In Girls Brigade, Citizen Advice Bureau, Justice of the Peace - court panel - Tokanui Hospital Assessments. Anglican lay Minister. Te Awamutu Competition Society.
2003 Janet Emery  
2002 Marge Allen  
2002 Verna Richards In recognition of her time and energy to driving for the blind and opened her home to many people over the years.
2002 Claire Balfour In recognition her work with keeping young people safe in the environment of Internet pornography.
2002 Marion Patchett  
2002 Myrtle Phillips 

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