Howick Club |
Service Projects
Social Activities
Teddy Bears knitted by Club Members for the Seasons for Growth programme (July 2024)
Sewing bee (July 2024)
Cake Stall hosted by the Club to raise funds (July 2024)
Blankets made by the Club's sewing ladies and donated to Stand (June 2024)
Knitting by Clubs Members donated to the Botany Birthing Unit (June 2024)
Dresses donated by the Club and delivered to Rarotonga by one of our Club Members (June 2024)
Dresses made and donated to Dress a Girl Around the World (June 2024)
Lined cloth bags made to sell and raise funds for charity projects (May 2024)
Worry worms crocheted by Club Members for the Seasons for Growth programme (May 2024)
A few Club Members hosted a very successful gathering at Homestead Café to meet potential new Members. (Feb 2024)
Delivery of pyjamas to STAND in July 2023.
Knitting by Club Members that was delivered to the Botany Birthing Unit in July 2023.
Club Members Sue and Carmen collecting for Daffodil Day (August 2023).
Howick Club participating in the Pink Ribbon Walk (2021)
Howick Upcoming events