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  • IWNZ
  • Invercargill North

Invercargill North Club

Service Projects

Social Activities

    • Monthly morning tea at local cafes
    • Monthly evening meal at local restaurants
    • Walk and Talk day at a local park
    • Christmas celebration
    • Celebration for International IW Day
Members Sheryl, Jan, Annette & Fiona providing fabulous entertainment with their performance of "The 12 Days of Christmas" at the Club's Inner Wheel Day celebrations in Waikaia. (8/01/2023)
Two Members at the Club's Inner Wheel Day celebration at Member Dorothy's and her husband Bryon's holiday home, "King's Retreat", in sunny Waikaia. (8/01/2023)
Member Dorothy and her husband Bryon hosted the Club (& partners) at their holiday home, "King's Retreat", in sunny Waikaia to celebrate Inner Wheel Day. (8/01/2023)
Club Members attended a workshop held by two ladies from the Tuturu Trust (which organizes Matariki celebrations in Queens Park) and made two sails which will be on display at the park. (May 2022)
Members enjoying the greenery at Argyle Gardens near Invercargill during the Past President's Meeting held in March. (2022)
Mexican dolls at the International meeting (Sept 2021)
Annette with her Honoured Active Badge presented at the July 2021 Changeover
July 2021 Changeover with the theme "The sinking of the Titanic"
Winning photo for the IIW photography contest to display the 2014-2015 theme "Light the Path"
Members and partners in costume for the Proms Concert 2016 they organised and many club members performed in. It was held again in 2018. Planning is now underway for October 2022.
  • Club Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm
  • Club Contact
  • Location: Southland Women's Club, 194 Esk Street, Invercargill

Invercargill North Upcoming events

10 photo(s) Updated on: 31 Jan 2023
  • Members Sheryl, Jan, Annette & Fiona providing fabulous entertainment with their performance of "The 12 Days of Christmas" at the Club's Inner Wheel Day celebrations in Waikaia. (8/01/2023)
  • Two Members at the Club's Inner Wheel Day celebration at Member Dorothy's and her husband Bryon's holiday home, "King's Retreat", in sunny Waikaia. (8/01/2023)
  • Member Dorothy and her husband Bryon hosted the Club (& partners) at their holiday home, "King's Retreat", in sunny Waikaia to celebrate Inner Wheel Day. (8/01/2023)
  • Club Members attended a workshop held by two ladies from the Tuturu Trust (which organizes Matariki celebrations in Queens Park) and made two sails which will be on display at the park. (May 2022)
  • Members enjoying the greenery at Argyle Gardens near Invercargill during the Past President's Meeting held in March. (2022)
  • Mexican dolls at the International meeting (Sept 2021)
  • Annette with her Honoured Active Badge presented at the July 2021 Changeover
  • July 2021 Changeover with the theme "The sinking of the Titanic"
  • Winning photo for the IIW photography contest to display the 2014-2015 theme "Light the Path"
  • Members and partners in costume for the Proms Concert 2016 they organised and many club members performed in. It was held again in 2018. Planning is now underway for October 2022.
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