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Matamata Club

Service Projects

Social Activities

  • Monthly "Sundowners" at RSA

  • International IW Day celebration

  • Pot-luck dinners

  • Christmas celebration

  • Monthly morning coffee

    • Hosted at Members' homes
    • $10 pp. and the funds get donated to the hosts' chosen cause
Matamata Members enthusiastically selling Christmas pudding and raffling gift baskets to raise funds. Fruitful & fun project; thanks to Rotary Club of Matamata for making it available to us.(Dec 2021)
Each year, IWC Matamata members bake around 140 bags of Christmas cookies & lollies for elderly residents living on their own. Here, Members Ineke, Gaylene, Mary and Gail bag the goodies. (Dec 2021)
A grand time was had by all at the IWC Matamata Christmas lunch held at member Helen Barlow’s home. Helen is 6th from left. (Dec 2021)
IWC Matamata Members Shirley, left, and President Vera trim the Christmas Cookie bags with ribbon and tags before their delivery to elderly residents in their community. (Dec 2021)
Matamata Club is absolutely thrilled with its brand-new banner, its purchased assisted by a $200 NZ291 grant. The banner made its debut at a recent committee meeting where it was duly toasted by all!
At a Look Good Feel Better fundraiser Think Pink morning tea, members learned to make bunnies from knitted squares. The bunnies are donated to organisations working with children in need of comfort.
Members entertained at the Matamata Friendship Circle with a "Wheels" theme. Diane and two of the guests, Joe and Bert, enjoyed The Wheels on the Bus…particularly the action-filled sing-along (2021)
Club members helping each other use their computers (2021)
Matamata's 40th birthday celebration (July 2021)
An Honoured Active Award presented at Matamata's 40th birthday celebration (July 2021)
  • Club Meetings: Second Monday of the month at 7:00pm
  • Club Contact
  • Location: All Saints Anglican Church Hall, 6 Hohaia Street, Matamata

Matamata Upcoming events

10 photo(s) Updated on: 16 Dec 2021
  • Matamata Members enthusiastically selling Christmas pudding and raffling gift baskets to raise funds. Fruitful & fun project; thanks to Rotary Club of Matamata for making it available to us.(Dec 2021)
  • Each year, IWC Matamata members bake around 140 bags of Christmas cookies & lollies for elderly residents living on their own. Here, Members Ineke, Gaylene, Mary and Gail bag the goodies. (Dec 2021)
  • A grand time was had by all at the IWC Matamata Christmas lunch held at member Helen Barlow’s home. Helen is 6th from left. (Dec 2021)
  • IWC Matamata Members Shirley, left, and President Vera trim the Christmas Cookie bags with ribbon and tags before their delivery to elderly residents in their community. (Dec 2021)
  • Matamata Club is absolutely thrilled with its brand-new banner, its purchased assisted by a $200 NZ291 grant. The banner made its debut at a recent committee meeting where it was duly toasted by all!
  • At a Look Good Feel Better fundraiser Think Pink morning tea, members learned to make bunnies from knitted squares. The bunnies are donated to organisations working with children in need of comfort.
  • Members entertained at the Matamata Friendship Circle with a "Wheels" theme. Diane and two of the guests, Joe and Bert, enjoyed The Wheels on the Bus…particularly the action-filled sing-along (2021)
  • Club members helping each other use their computers (2021)
  • Matamata's 40th birthday celebration (July 2021)
  • An Honoured Active Award presented at Matamata's 40th birthday celebration (July 2021)
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