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Plimmerton Club

Service Projects

Social Activities

  • Weekly Mahjong club
  • Weekly Dog group meet-up
  • Monthly book and crafts club
  • Monthly dinners
  • Monthly New Members Morning Tea to help strengthen the connection between new Members
  • Pizza and Plonk for International Inner Wheel Day
  • Bowling with the Tawa Club
  • Table for 8
  • Movie and Luncheon fundraisers
  • Visits to local gardens
The Club celebrated International Inner Wheel Day and IW's Centennial year with some delicious cake at our annual Pizza and Plonk! (Jan 2023)
The Club celebrated International Inner Wheel Day and IW's Centennial year with our annual Pizza and Plonk! (Jan 2023)
New Members Gail, Joanne, Judy, Mescal, Pam, Helen, and Judy, pictured with our President Joy, and Past President Sherly during the new Members' induction. (July 2023)
Members helped with the Life Flight Trust Street Appeal. The funds go to the Life Flight which operates out of Wellington based Rescue Helicopter and two nationwide Air Ambulance Planes. (June 2022)
Several members have been busy knitting teddies for the refugee children and as always Neonatal Unit Trust. (June 2022)
Club Members had a fun time with Plimmerton Rotary cruising around Wellington Harbour on the Sweet Georgia. (June 2022)
The Club's Wairarapa Golf/Shopping trip is always lots of fun! Several played golf, some went shopping and we stayed overnight. We enjoyed fun, friendship, shopping and coffee time. (June 2022).
The Club's Wairarapa Golf/Shopping trip is always lots of fun! Several played golf, some went shopping and we stayed overnight. We enjoyed fun, friendship, shopping and coffee time. (June 2022).
Yearly Challenge for the Rose of Friendship between the Plimmerton and Tawa Clubs, where we have a game of indoor bowls, a lovely meal, great friendship and competitive players. (April 2022)
Yearly Challenge for the Rose of Friendship between the Plimmerton and Tawa Clubs, where we have a game of indoor bowls, a lovely meal, great friendship and competitive players. (April 2022)
Yearly Challenge for the Rose of Friendship between the Plimmerton and Tawa Clubs, where we have a game of indoor bowls, a lovely meal, great friendship and competitive players. (April 2022)
IW Club of Plimmerton celebrated IIW Day on Wellington Anniversary with our annual Pizza and Plonk. Good food, good wine, great company, lots of friendship and even a fun game of croquet. (Jan 2022)
IW Club of Plimmerton celebrated IIW Day on Wellington Anniversary with our annual Pizza and Plonk. Good food, good wine, great company, lots of friendship and even a fun game of croquet. (Jan 2022)
IW Club of Plimmerton celebrated IIW Day on Wellington Anniversary with our annual Pizza and Plonk. Good food, good wine, great company, lots of friendship and even a fun game of croquet. (Jan 2022)
  • Club Meetings: Third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm
  • Club Contact
  • Location: Plimmerton Boating Club, 66 Moana Road, Plimmerton

Plimmerton Upcoming events

14 photo(s) Updated on: 27 Jan 2024
  • The Club celebrated International Inner Wheel Day and IW's Centennial year with some delicious cake at our annual Pizza and Plonk! (Jan 2023)
  • The Club celebrated International Inner Wheel Day and IW's Centennial year with our annual Pizza and Plonk! (Jan 2023)
  • New Members Gail, Joanne, Judy, Mescal, Pam, Helen, and Judy, pictured with our President Joy, and Past President Sherly during the new Members' induction. (July 2023)
  • Members helped with the Life Flight Trust Street Appeal. The funds go to the Life Flight which operates out of Wellington based Rescue Helicopter and two nationwide Air Ambulance Planes. (June 2022)
  • Several members have been busy knitting teddies for the refugee children and as always Neonatal Unit Trust. (June 2022)
  • Club Members had a fun time with Plimmerton Rotary cruising around Wellington Harbour on the Sweet Georgia. (June 2022)
  • The Club's Wairarapa Golf/Shopping trip is always lots of fun! Several played golf, some went shopping and we stayed overnight. We enjoyed fun, friendship, shopping and coffee time. (June 2022).
  • The Club's Wairarapa Golf/Shopping trip is always lots of fun! Several played golf, some went shopping and we stayed overnight. We enjoyed fun, friendship, shopping and coffee time. (June 2022).
  • Yearly Challenge for the Rose of Friendship between the Plimmerton and Tawa Clubs, where we have a game of indoor bowls, a lovely meal, great friendship and competitive players. (April 2022)
  • Yearly Challenge for the Rose of Friendship between the Plimmerton and Tawa Clubs, where we have a game of indoor bowls, a lovely meal, great friendship and competitive players. (April 2022)
  • Yearly Challenge for the Rose of Friendship between the Plimmerton and Tawa Clubs, where we have a game of indoor bowls, a lovely meal, great friendship and competitive players. (April 2022)
  • IW Club of Plimmerton celebrated IIW Day on Wellington Anniversary with our annual Pizza and Plonk. Good food, good wine, great company, lots of friendship and even a fun game of croquet. (Jan 2022)
  • IW Club of Plimmerton celebrated IIW Day on Wellington Anniversary with our annual Pizza and Plonk. Good food, good wine, great company, lots of friendship and even a fun game of croquet. (Jan 2022)
  • IW Club of Plimmerton celebrated IIW Day on Wellington Anniversary with our annual Pizza and Plonk. Good food, good wine, great company, lots of friendship and even a fun game of croquet. (Jan 2022)
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